Use as a puppet punakawan media co (strengthening of character education) to increase awareness of culture class IX B SMP Negeri 3 pamotan


This study aims to determine the effect of the use of puppets as a medium Punakawan PPK (Strengthening the Character Education) towards the increase of cultural awareness of IXB students of SMP Negeri 3 Pamotan. This research uses experimental research approach (quantitative) with the kind of one-group pretest-posttest design in the use of puppets as a medium Punakawan PPK (Strengthening the Character Education). The subjects of this study are 8 students who have low cultural awareness. Analyze this data using non parametik statistic by using sign test. The results of the data analysis shows that ρ = 0.004 showed smaller compared with α = 0, 5. Thus H a received and H 0 is rejected, so there is a difference in students' cultural awareness between before and after treatment, it can be concluded that the use of puppets as a medium Punakawan PPK (Strengthening the Character Education) can increase the cultural awareness of students of IXB class SMP Neg


Puppet Punakawan, PPK (Strengthening the Character Education), Cultural Awareness, Counseling across cultures


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