Between Love and Marriage: Dilemma of Gay's Love (A Qualitative Study of Phenomenology in Gay People)


Being a life partner and having a family is one of the tasks of personal development in early adulthood, as well as a homosexual person or a gay person. Differences in sexual orientation and rejection in relation to the environment, family and religion, however, make the desire to get marry being a conflict in a gay person. In this study, the author highlights the phenomenon of the inner conflict between love and marriage that occurs in a gay person. The author reveals phenomenology to express the experience and psychological dynamics of a gay person who wishes to change and marry. The results showed that a person with homosexual has a great desire to change and marry. However, this desire is not a wish or a hope that is easy for a gay person to realize. Many experiences have been shared, views on his life, fears, conflicts and hopes that exist in him, which also encourage and complicate his desire to marry.


Sexual orientation, homosexual, marriage


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