Pendidikan seks dalam kesehatan mental usia remaja


Nowadays, the cases about sexuality in teenagers really take the public attention. Thecases pregnancy before getting married which finally marriage early, abortion, baby dumping and deviationsexual such as homosexual, lesbian, masturbation and so on always increase in every year. Those sases really take the public attention in parents and school because sometime parents feel amazed and confuse why the teenagers can do that?. Actually, parents have to understand theis children’s life. Ideally, every school should help to guide in good cooperation whit parents. Sex education is really important wich is given by teenagers. Sex education as a way prevention, so the teenagers will not come to the problem in sexsuality. The teenagers really need guidance and information about themselves and the purpose of next life. Beside that, the most important are the attention and affection form parents. Affection and attention are the keys to be success in closeness with parents and children, especially children who grow up. Because of this closeness is expected to easily obtain direct guidance of a child to the maximal and effectively, so that the mental health of children is not disturbed.


Pendidikan seks, kesehatan mental.


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