The correlation of peer support and parental support with achievement motivation


The background of this research was there are many of students who have low achievement motivation. Peer and parental support are two factor that allegedly influence it. Aims of this research to describe the correlation of peer and parental support with achievement motivation. This research used quantitative approach with descriptive-correlational method. The population of this research consists 723 and samples 196 students. The instrument used questionnaire with likert scale model and the reliability test of peer support instrument at 0.864, parental support at 0.903 and achievement motivation at 0,939. The data were analyzed using multiple regression. The results shows that the peer and parental support, and the achievement motivation were in high category. There are correlation (15.9%) of the peer and parental support with achievement motivation. The Implication of the research results can be used as an analysis of the needs of students in setting counseling service program at school.


Peer support, parental support, achievement, motivation.


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